This week is done, and naps are a good thing.
Thursday I had a delightful visit with Jon Box; two geeks (professional mind you) enjoying talking about all the stuff our wives have no clue about. Thanks for bringing lunch by Jon, your visit really blessed me; you are a true friend. We probably talked about four hours. (I keep saying that’s about all I’m good for these days, I took a long nap after he left)
Today (Friday), I had an early Doctor’s appointment to check out this nausea problem I have been having. I thought it was going to be a pretty easy day but that appointment kicked off a series additional trips to get some lab work done, and a CT scan done. I did not get back home until 5:00 (I did have a nice lunch with Delaine at Mamma Fu’s (highly recommended fast Thai food which I think may have cured my nausea problems !).
So, I sit in my comfy chair at about 5:30 and next thing I know it’s 9:00 and I’m by myself. Delaine comes home shortly with a nice salad and we watched a movie together. I know it’s late now but I go back to sleep for another 9 hours easy. Recovery from major surgery takes lots of sleep and rest. I did not get my walk in today or yesterday but I going to kick up the pace tomorrow and try to go longer and a little faster, Lord willing.
God has been good to me, helped me through a tough but important turning point week. I think I’ll blog another devotional tomorrow and catch up on some reading. I still intend on blogging and podcasting a series of messages on the Kingdom of God. Sort of like an Internet Sunday School.
Don’t forget to pray for Don Whitney. I have been blessed listening to a number of his messages on my iPod this week.
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