Pray for Don Whitney
I remember going through a small group study on Don Whitney’s book Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. I know I received a blessing because I learned so many things about why be disciplined and how it exercises our (weak) spiritual muscles for when we really need them (every day!). In addition to the basics like prayer, and worship, the book talks about such topics as Scripture Reading and Meditation, Fasting, Silence & Solitude, Journaling, and Learning.
Anyway, the point of this post is not to recommend a good book (I just did). but to ask you to pray for Don in the same way you have been praying for me. Don is slowly recovering from recent colon cancer surgery. Interestingly he is blogging about his recovery on his website at The Center for Biblical Spirituality. There is a link on his home page to read updates about his health.
(AT: Justin Taylor)
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